Tag billedbogsbussen - i udskolingen
Autentisk litteratur i form af billedbøger en fantastisk ressource i sprogundervisningen.
På mitCFU.dk kan du låne mange billedbøger til alle trin, de fleste med vejledning. Her på siden finder du ‘billedbogsbussen’, som giver dig idéer til:
- Forforståelse
- Læseaktiviteter
- Mundtlig kommunikation
- Playful grammar
- Skriftlighed
- En meningsfuld final task med et produkt, som kan præsenteres for andre.
Billedbogsbussen kører på et fundament af interkulturelle kompetencer som fx empati, forståelse for forskellighed og kulturel diversitet.
Herunder finder du eksempler på billedbøger, du kan låne på mitCFU.dk, med eksempler på alle 6 kategorier nævnt ovenfor. De kan nemt overføres til andre bøger eller ændres, hvis du skruer lidt på idéerne.
Get ready! Prior knowledge
Look inside the book - make an A3 print of the very first and very last page (i.e, grey blocks, colorful nature). In groups stick post-its with vocabulary and chunks on the prints.
Sort the post-its into topics.
What do you know about cicadas?
Enjoy reading
Listen to the book ‘Cicada med lydunivers’.
Read the book in pairs/group.
Read the book again and discuss what ‘Tok-tok-tok’ would mean on the different pages.
Discuss the ending.
Speak up!
Find information about cicadas.
Write 5 questions, mingle in groups, and find mates who know the answers.
Record a small presentation (e.g 3 minutes) about the insect.
Grammar you will need
Rewrite the text of the picture book using correct English. (Look especially at the verbs.)
What do you think the correct English does to the book?
Writing with a purpose
Write what the different meanings for ‘Tok-tok-tok’ might be.
Write questions to Cicada or to the human company you would like to know the answer of.
Final tasks
Make a lap book (foldebog) or make a Book Creator.
Get ready! Prior knowledge
Present the book cover without any text. What is the book about?
Present the headline and text underneath. Any new clues?
In groups look up 1 of these 4 names: Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, Katherine Johnson, Christine Darden.
Enjoy reading
Read the book (or/and listen here).
Prepare a page to read aloud well. In groups of 4 read to one another and/or record it.
Speak up!
Record a podcast or a radio program.
In groups of 2-3 prepare an interview with an astronaut.
Use info from the text to make up relevant questions and answers.
Grammar you will need
How to ask good questions?
What is a good question?
In how many ways can you construct questions? Discuss which ones work best.
Writing with a purpose
About questions:
In pairs ask 10 good questions about the book.
Give the questions to another peer that will answer them.
Use the answers to write a coherent text (e.g an email to a fictive person).
Final tasks
When computers wore skirts:
Choose one of the four women.
Prepare a speech, where you give concrete examples how unfair black women were treated. Give the speech in class, or record it.
Get ready! Prior knowledge
Bring (an old) suitcase to the class.
The class makes a list of what to bring when moving to another country. Every group presents their suitcase.
Watch this clip about a boy traveling to Ellis Island. Discuss the clip.
Enjoy reading
‘Read’ the book watching this fantastic animation (26 min).
In groups discuss what was touching weird, sad, happy etc.
What is the book about?
Speak up!
Take a photo of 2-3 pictures in the book that make an impression on you. Tell a mate how it makes you feel: fx depressed, angry, surprised, pitiful, unhappy, adventurous, weeping etc.
Record the story of one of the chosen persons.
Grammar you will need
To write in the past tense you will need to check regular and irregular verbs.
Use connectives: e.g first, then, suddenly, afterwards, at the end, finally (make poster of connectives for the classroom).
Writing with a purpose
Write a diary entry for the day father packed and left his family. What is the hope for the future?
Stick the diary entries to the wall and have ‘stroll and read’ in class.
(If you google ‘vintage paper’ you can print very old looking paper to write on.)
Final tasks
Prepare a suitcase with the personal belongings of an immigrant (from Ukraine, Syria etc.).
Tell your story using the artifacts in the suitcase. Or write an article for a newspaper.