Tag billedbogsbussen - på mellemtrinnet
Autentisk litteratur i form af billedbøger en fantastisk ressource i sprogundervisningen.
På mitCFU.dk kan du låne mange billedbøger til alle trin, de fleste med vejledning. Her på siden finder du ‘billedbogsbussen’, som giver dig idéer til:
- Forforståelse
- Læseaktiviteter
- Mundtlig kommunikation
- Playful grammar
- Skriftlighed
- En meningsfuld final task med et produkt, som kan præsenteres for andre.
Billedbogsbussen kører på et fundament af interkulturelle kompetencer som fx empati, forståelse for forskellighed og kulturel diversitet.
Herunder finder du eksempler på billedbøger, du kan låne på mitCFU.dk, med eksempler på alle 6 kategorier nævnt ovenfor. De kan nemt overføres til andre bøger eller ændres, hvis du skruer lidt på idéerne.
Get ready!
Look at the book cover - what does it make the class think of?
Hand out A3 prints of the book and post-its to the groups. The children write vocabulary and small texts on post-its.
Compare some text/chunks in the book with the original text Little Red Riding Hood.
Read and enjoy!
Cut out each sentence of the book, hand one sentence to each child. The kids cue up in the right order of the story, by showing slips of paper – read the story - every child reads his sentence. Did they get it right?
Read the book.
Notice the details while you read the book and compare to the original Little Red Riding Hood.
Speak up!
Imagine the child is a wolf in the city.
‘Prepare a very short speech to tell why you (the wolf) frighten people or what you are afraid of. Mingle in groups and speak to 3-4 persons.
Playful grammar
Working with chunks, e.g:
- ‘The edge of the city’
- ‘Stay on the path’
- ‘All the better to dazzle you with’
- ‘All the better to worry you with’
- ‘All the better to sicken you with' etc. (what do they mean)
Prepare questions where one of the chunks could be the answer.
Download the app ‘TextingStory’. Write an SMS thread between Granny and Red about getting home safe. Use some of the chunks above.
Final tasks
Record ‘City News’ where you report Red missing. Include a ‘Missing Poster’/Photo use chunks.
Get ready!
Make a prediction of the book.
Get ready for an election in the jungle: Explain the words - make a small poster for each word and put it on the wall: Ballot box, campaign, candidate, debate, democracy, demonstration, election, government, president, rally, VP (vice president), vote, voter.
Read and enjoy!
While you read: Collect words you want to remember.
Read the book showing pictures on the projector.
How many/ which animals appear in the book?
Collect arguments for the election. Who is the favorite?
Read the book in small groups.
Speak up!
The children choose to be an animal.
They present themselves: name, age, family, hobby, favorite food, job, suggested changes in the jungle.
Playful grammar
Lion, Monkey, Snake and Sloth have campaign posters and texts. Lion and Snake is written in past tense, Monkey and Sloth in present tense. What is the difference? Could they swap? Rewrite some of the passages from past to present tense etc. What happens?
Use a campaign poster and text as a model text. In pairs create (write and draw) your own. Choose past tense or present tense.
Define a ‘Campaign wall', where you put them up. Make selfies and print.
Final tasks
Prepare oral debates in groups:
Use the poster from before to prepare a 3-minute speech.
Prepare 3 questions for opponents. Have a debate.
Make a ballot box and vote.
Get ready!
This book about Rosa Parks is a biography. Start by everyone making their own bio poem about themselves.
Put all poems on a wall.
(If you don't know 'bio poem' google it 😊)
Read and enjoy!
Show the book. The class makes predictions.
Read the book aloud. Collect words and chunks.
Talk about the contents in the pictures and in the text.
Speak up!
Hand out copies of pages from the book (without text). The class mingles, everybody telling what their picture shows and line up in the correct order.
Playful grammar
The class prepares 50–100 word cards.
On each card is written a verb in present tense or past tense. Scatter them outside (in the corridor). Person 1 in a group runs outside, picks one card, runs back, and the group place it on past or present tense. Now person 2 runs, then 3 etc. Have they got it right?
Make a bio poem about Rosa Parks, in the same way as in the task 'Get Ready'.
Final tasks
Record the bio poem about Rosa Parks and add pictures and music.
Make a bio poem of another person that the child chooses.