Tag billedbogsbussen - i indskolingen
Autentisk litteratur i form af billedbøger en fantastisk ressource i sprogundervisningen.
På mitCFU.dk kan du låne mange billedbøger til alle trin, de fleste med vejledning. Her på siden finder du ‘billedbogsbussen’, som giver dig idéer til:
- Forforståelse
- Læseaktiviteter
- Mundtlig kommunikation
- Playful grammar (også fra 1. klasse)
- Skriftlighed
- En meningsfuld final task med et produkt, som kan præsenteres for andre.
Billedbogsbussen kører på et fundament af interkulturelle kompetencer som fx empati, forståelse for forskellighed og kulturel diversitet.
Herunder finder du eksempler på billedbøger, du kan låne på mitCFU.dk, med eksempler på alle 6 kategorier nævnt ovenfor. De kan nemt overføres til andre bøger eller ændres, hvis du skruer lidt på idéerne.
Get ready!
What do we know about fish? Colors, size, examples e.g goldfish.
Sing a fish song e.g ‘sharks’ or ‘1,2,3,4,5 – once I caught a fish alive’.
Read and play!
Read the book aloud, show pictures on the projector.
Choose a fish and combine it with an adjective (begin with the colors, e.g 'red fish').
Stand in a circle, say it all together. Use different voices.
Show the adjectives with your body, the children guess the word.
Then hand out the book in pairs and ‘read’.
Speak up!
In pairs:
Student A says, 'I spy with my little eye a little spotty fish’.
Student B: finds a little spotty fish in the book.
Swap roles.
Practice for example 4 different fish.
Playful grammar
From single words to collocations:
Take it in turns to choose a fish from the book and describe it:
For example spotty fish, stripy fish, happy fish, grumpy fish.
Say the collocation with different rhythms or different voices.
The children make their own fish book.
Draw fish and copy words (e.g adjectives) from the book or from a poster on the wall.
Final tasks
Make your own fish – and present it. (You can use the double circle or just have the class mingle.)
Get ready!
What do we know about dinosaurs?
Play the song – listen for words and chunks.
Which words are do the children already know?
Read and play!
Play the book/song (show YouTube on projector). Join in.
Stop and sing. Stop the song – everybody continues singing.
Hand out books. The whole class reads together and then read in groups.
Find the word/chunk: one child says a word/chunk – the others (in the group) find it in the book.
Speak up!
Draw ice cream cones and color them. The children pair up and make an ‘ice cream dictation’. The children dictate to their mate how to draw and color their scoops: e.g ‘I have 3 scoops of ice cream. One is green etc.’
Playful grammar
The miming game (learning chunks). One person mimes, the others guess the chunk, e.g:
- He pulled up his chair
- He put on a bib
- It’s awesome to share
- He took out a spoon etc.
Print some pages in A3. Prepare speech bubbles (or post-its). The kids write what the dinosaurs or Groovy Joe say.
Final tasks
Make a ‘Groovy Joe wall’ with all the prints and speech bubbles (from above). The children present their speech bubbles.
> Lån billedbogen Groovy Joe - Ice cream & Dinosaurs på mitCFU.dk
Get ready!
What is in my basket today?
Prepare a basket with food the caterpillar eats. (Real food, plastic food or pictures cut out). Who knows what it is? Count it.
Combine it with the days of the week. Use the floor.
Read and play!
Read the book aloud, show pictures on projector.
The children join in reading the repetitive language.
Use the play food to read part of the story.
Every child/small group ‘reads ‘a word, chunk or sentence.
Speak up!
Play the game ‘fruit salad.’
How many chunks/words do you remember ? (Use matches/Lego etc. and count them at the end. How many
words can the group come up with?)Playful grammar
One apple – two plums. Why has plums got an ‘s’? Hunt plural forms in the classroom.
Do you like?
I like – I don’t like.
(Learned as chunks)
I like xxx - I don’t like xx.
Prepare a form, where the children write (or draw) food (copy words) that they like and don’t like.
Interview a partner, "Do you like?".
Make statistics, e.g: How many like broccoli?
Final tasks
Make caterpillars from a sock.
Let them speak to each other. (Name, age, phone number I like, I don’t like etc.)
Make a passport for the caterpillar.